SITREP: New Publications and Post Schedule

Special Tactics is planning some major evolutions, including more articles/debates in the coming weeks and the release next month of three new titles that are now available for pre-order at a 25% discount...

Comprehensive Combat Fitness Training: A unique combat fitness manual that can either enhance your existing personal/unit training methods or help you create a new program from scratch, custom-tailored to improve real-world combat effectiveness for your specific mission set.

Squad Level Military Urban Combat: A comprehensive 400+ page manual providing technique options for military small-unit urban combat, in both low-intensity operations (COIN and stability operations) and high-intensity conventional war.

Winning the Fight: A conceptual foundation for combat performance enhancement designed to radically change the way you think about problems, assess threats, train for combat, plan contingencies and adapt to unexpected changes. This is the Special Tactics capstone document that connects all other Special Tactics manuals into a larger strategic framework.

All three books will be available next month (August) and in the coming weeks, Special Tactics will be posting blog articles that relate to both these upcoming titles and the current selection of tactical manuals. There is also some additional post-activity and new website functionality planned so stay tuned.

Special Tactics Staff

A team of experts including retired senior operators from Tier-1 Special Mission Units, experienced veterans from all five branches of the U.S military, U.S. government agencies and law enforcement departments.


Combat Fitness (Part 1): A Mission-Focused Approach


PRODUCT: Two-Person Close Quarters Tactics